若您繼續使用本“網站”或“Alright Express”提供的服務,則表示您同意以下的服務條款。
Alright Express,www.alrightexpress.co.uk / www.alrightexpress.co(以下簡稱“Alright Express”、“網站”、“本公司”、“我們”和“我們的”)是由 Alright Express Limited 經營,其香港辦事處地址為香港葵涌大連排道35-41號金基工業大廈7樓B室。
Alright Express 是一個在線平台,為用戶(“用戶”或“您”)提供管理貨物運輸(“貨物運輸”)的幫助。本網站和我們的服務(以下定義)的提供,是在您接受下面所述的所有條款、條件和通知(以下簡稱“服務條款”)的情況下提供的。使用我們提供的任何服務,即表示您已閱讀、理解並同意遵守服務條款,並聲明已閱讀並理解了相關內容。在成為 Alright Express 用戶之前,您必須閱讀、同意並接受服務條款和我們的私隱政策(“私隱政策”)。如果您不接受服務條款和/或私隱政策的任何條款,您無權使用本網站或我們的服務,應立即停止使用本網站。我們將不時修訂服務條款和私隱政策。服務條款構成您和 Alright Express以及 Alright Express 的直接附屬機構或子公司之間的法律約束協議,包括 Alright Express在不同國家運營的不同實體。
如需聯繫我們,請發送電子郵件至 alrightexpress@gmail.com。
1. 接受服務條款
1.1 如果您代表公司、企業或其他法律實體進入這些服務條款,則表示您有權將該實體及其附屬機構約束於這些服務條款之下,此時服務條款中的“您”或“您的”將指代該實體及其附屬機構。如果您沒有這種權限,或者如果您不同意這些服務條款,則您不得代表該實體接受這些服務條款,並且您無權使用本網站或服務。
1.2 通過註冊服務,您同意提供並維護有關自己的真實、準確、及時和完整的信息,如有提示。我們對您的註冊數據和其他某些信息的收集和處理受我們的私隱政策的管理。
1.3 您承認並同意,我們可能在將來更改或修改服務條款。您理解、同意并完全接受,您在此類更改或修改後繼續訪問或使用本網站,即表示您接受更改或修改後的服務條款和私隱政策。Alright Express 致力於向您提供服務條款的任何更改通知,但 Alright Express 未能這樣做不會豁免您遵守任何修改后的服務條款的義務。您應定期查看本網站上張貼的最新版本的服務條款。
1.4 您承認、同意並完全接受,您可能會受到我們提供的某些服務附加的其他條款的適用。所有此類條款均通過參考納入這些服務條款。在確認貨物運輸之前,您應負責仔細閱讀條款和條件。
1.5 如果您違反我們的任何服務條款,我們保留所有權利,包括但不限於立即終止我們的服務,或採取其他法律行動而不再發出通知。
1.6 您承認、同意並完全接受,我們對任何行為、錯誤或遺漏(包括但不限於任何疏忽或故意不當行為)不承擔任何責任。在確認貨物運輸之前,這是您的唯一責任,需要仔細閱讀條款和條件。
2. 服務描述
根據香港的《合約法》和相關法律法規,Alright Express 和您遵循互惠互利、平等和合作的原則提供“服務”,只有在同意以下條款的情況下,“您”才能使用“服務”:
2.1 Alright Express 和“您”的責任和義務
2.1.1 “您”委托“Alright Express”運輸的出口文件、材料或貨物必須符合香港特別行政區政府的海關、商品檢驗和檢疫等相關部門的相關規定,以符合目的地國家的出口商品要求。
2.1.2 “您”應向“Alright Express”提供有效的身份信息,包括您在香港的法定姓名、手機和地址。如果“您”代表一家公司、企業或其他法律實體,您應提供公司的註冊名稱和香港的有效地址。如果“您”在使用我們的服務之前未提供上述信息,“Alright Express”可能會拒絕提供服務。
2.1.3 當“您”使用“Alright Express”及其附屬公司提供的快遞服務時,您必須準確真實地提供收件人信息和貨物信息。如果由於“您”缺少應提供的信息而導致貨物交付失敗或產生其他費用,“您”應承擔全部費用。
2.1.4 在發貨前,“Alright Express”只會收取包裹運費和相關的運營成本。此費用不包括指定到達國家/地區的商品可能產生的任何稅費和其他費用。在外國海關清關時可能產生的任何海關稅或其他雜費必須由收件人支付。如果由於收件人拒絕支付相關費用,導致包裹被退回或被棄置,包括運輸和任何適用的關稅、稅收和行政費用在內的所有與退回或棄置貨物相關的費用和其他費用,都應由“您”承擔。
2.1.5 通過以下任何方式獲取的服務:網站、社交網絡、博客、電子郵件。也應遵守我們的“服務條款”。Alright Express保留修改上述服務渠道新增的任何新功能的“服務條款”的權利。
2.1.6 在本網站上發佈的信息、任何內容和服務可能包含不正確的陳述或排版錯誤。我們及我們的附屬公司不保證我們網站上顯示的快遞服務、照片、汽車和其他服務描述以及其他服務描述的使用條款是正確的。我們及我們的附屬公司不保證我們的服務顯示的信息的準確性。
2.1.7 如果因我們無法直接控制的延遲、取消、罷工、不可抗力或其他原因而導致的任何情況,我們及我們的附屬公司將不承擔責任,也不會退款。我們也不對任何政府或當局的其他成本、疏忽、延遲、改變路線或行動負責。
2.1.8 在任何情況下,由於使用本網站或與其相關的信息、內容所引起的直接或間接、懲罰性、附帶性、特別性或後果性損害,“Alright Express”一概不負責。即使Alright Express已被告知可能造成損害,也不承擔任何基於合同、侵權、嚴格責任或其他方式的損害賠償責任。
2.2 托運責任
為確保包裹的正常交付和安全,"Alright Express"和"您"已明確指定有關您托運貨物的安全規定:
2.2.1 “您”應保證僅按照香港特別行政區政府和海關的出口/進口規定範圍和要求托運貨物;
2.2.2 如果“Alright Express”及其附屬公司有理由懷疑“您”運送的貨物不符合法律或規定,"Alright Express"有權拒絕接受貨物,而“您”應承擔相關損失。已支付的費用不予退還。
3. 一般條款
3.1 在本服務條款的規定下,您只能為合法目的使用服務。所有權利、標題和利益,包括服務及其組件,將保留給 Alright Express 獨有。未經 Alright Express 書面同意,您不得(a) 將服務或您的帳戶轉授權、轉售、出租、租賃、轉移、分配、分時共用或以其他方式提供給任何第三方;(b) 以任何非法的方式使用服務(包括但不限於違反任何數據、隱私、出口或進口控制法律)或以任何方式干擾或破壞服務或其組件的完整性或性能,或違反我們的服務條款;或(c) 修改、適應或入侵服務或其相關系統或網絡,或以其他方式嘗試未經授權地訪問服務或其相關系統或網絡。您應遵守所有由 Alright Express 在服務中提供或發佈的行為守則、政策或其他通知,如果您發現與服務相關的安全漏洞,您應立即通知 Alright Express 。
3.2 您承認、同意並完全接受,您不會使用服務或網站來(或協助他人):(a) 上傳任何內容,該內容(i) 侵犯任何一方的知識產權或其他專有權利;(ii) 您沒有根據任何法律或合同或受託關係上傳的權利;(iii) 包含軟件病毒或任何其他計算機代碼、文件或程序,旨在中斷、破壞或限制任何計算機軟件或硬件或電信設備的功能;(iv) 對任何人構成或造成隱私或安全風險;(v) 是非法的、有害的、威脅性的、濫用的、騷擾的、侵權的、過度暴力的、誹謗的、粗俗的、淫穢的、誹謗的、侵犯他人隱私的、令人憎惡的、種族主義的、種族歧視的或其他令人反感的;或(vi) 根據 Alright Express 的唯一判斷,是不當的或限制或阻礙任何其他人使用或享受服務,或可能使 Alright Express 或其用戶遭受任何形式的損害或責任;(b) 干擾或破壞與服務相連接的服務器或網絡,或不服從與服務相連接的網絡的要求、程序、政策或法規;或(c) 違反任何適用的當地、州、國家或國際法律或任何具有法律效力的法規;(d)冒充任何人或實體,或虛假陳述或其他誤導你與某個人或實體的關係;或(e) 通過任何未經同意許可的手段獲取或嘗試獲取任何材料和信息,這些材料和信息通過服務不是故意提供的或提供的。
3.3 您完全負責您上傳、張貼、傳送或存儲有關服務或與之相關的內容、信息、反饋、建議、文本、內容和其他材料(“您的內容”)。 Alright Express 保留訪問您的帳戶以回應您對技術支持的要求的權利。通過在服務上張貼您的內容,您在此授予 Alright Express 全球性、非排他性、永久性、不可撤銷的、免版稅的、完全支付的、可轉讓的許可,使用、修改、複製、分發、顯示、發佈和在服務中執行您的內容,以及改善Alright Express的產品和服務,但須遵守本服務條款和私隱政策的條款和條件。 Alright Express 有權(但無義務)監視服務、內容或您的內容,並在法律要求或在誠信的信仰下認為必要時披露您的內容,以(i) 遵守法律義務;(ii) 保護和捍衛 Alright Express 的權利或財產;(iii) 在緊急情況下保護服務用戶或公眾的個人安全;或(iv) 防止法律責任。您進一步承認、同意並完全接受,Alright Express 可以隨時因任何原因(包括但不限於接收到有關內容的第三方或當局的索賠或指控)刪除或禁用任何您的內容,或者出於任何理由而無需提供任何理由。
3.4 您了解,服務(包括您的內容)的運作可能是未加密的,可能涉及(a) 通過各種網絡傳輸;(b) 改變以符合連接網絡或設備的技術要求;和(c) 傳輸給 Alright Express 的商業夥伴,包括但不限於快遞和托管夥伴,以提供運營和維護服務所需的必要硬件、軟件、網絡、存儲和相關技術。因此,您承認、同意並完全接受,您承擔充分責任,確保您的內容具有足夠的安全性、保護性和備份性。在任何情況下,Alright Express 對您的任何未經授權的訪問或使用您的任何內容,或任何您的內容的損壞、刪除、破壞或損失不承擔任何責任。
3.5 在本服務條款的規定下,Alright Express 可以(但無義務)通過電子郵件提供技術支持服務,並遵循我們的標準做法。Alright Express 可能會使用您提供的電子郵件地址或電話號碼向您發送關於包裹的更新,獲得收件人的反饋,以及在一般情況下,Alright Express 認為有必要繼續其服務時使用。
3.6 如果您希望更改有關貨件的任何信息,例如地址、包含的物品或其他事項,請直接與我們聯繫(通過發送電子郵件或Whatsapp給我們的客戶服務團隊(關於我們的電子郵件地址和Whatsapp,請參見www.alrightexpress.co.uk / www.alrightexpress.co)。您也可以使用我們網站上的服務聊天,我們將作為客戶支持服務的一部分提供幫助。如果貨件已經移交給任何快遞公司,這些更改可能不會生效,或快遞公司可能會要求收取費用以驗證更改。有關貨件的任何信息的更改應受到我們的最終批准和確認。
3.7 如果您希望查詢、提出賠償或投訴有關貨件的事宜,請直接與我們聯繫(通過發送電子郵件或Whatsapp給我們的客戶服務團隊(關於我們的電子郵件地址和Whatsapp,請參見www.alrightexpress.co.uk / www.alrightexpress.co)。您也可以使用我們網站上的服務聊天,我們將作為客戶支持服務的一部分提供幫助。
3.8 如果貨件被撤回且快遞公司未提供返回寄件人地址的交付,貨件將退回至 Alright Express 。您可以選擇自行支付費用,在 Alright Express 提供的指定地點收取貨件,或支付Alright Express 報價的返程運費,包括但不限於快遞公司就禁運品運輸收取的罰款等,Alright Express 將把貨件發送到您的寄件人地址。
4. 付款
4.1 運費將對每個貨件進行收取,其中包括所有與貨件相關的費用,由 Alright Express 報價(“運費”),在您輸入所需的所有相關信息後。運費包括但不限於運輸成本、燃油附加費、保險費、進口稅、進口關稅、偏遠地區附加費、旺季附加費和任何與通過Alright Express進行運輸活動有關的金額。
4.2 您必須提供完整和準確的付款信息。 Alright Express 服務的付款將通過網站上列出的任何可接受的付款方式進行。
4.3 差異報價預估運費是根據您提供的信息(包括但不限於寄件人地址、收件人地址、重量、尺寸和物品價值)進行的。如果 Alright Express 收取的運費與 Alright Express 因您提供的不正確信息(包括但不限於不正確的重量、尺寸、物品價值、地址或任何其他重要信息)所產生的費用有差異,您將獨自承擔該差額。 Alright Express 特別聲明,對於因不準確或不完整的信息而導致的任何運費錯誤,不承擔任何責任。 Alright Express 不負責運費的任何更改或修改。 Alright Express 同意盡合理努力及時向您的帳戶收取這些差額,但 Alright Express 不作任何有關完成處理所需時間的陳述或保證。
4.4 Alright Express 保留根據貨幣波動調整價格的權利,包括但不限於貨幣轉換率變化、轉換費用變化或折扣率變化,並且不需提前通知。
4.5 您承認、同意並完全接受,Alright Express 對您收取的所有費用、收費和任何其他費率或金額均不包括任何適用的增值稅、銷售/使用稅或商品和服務稅(“交易稅”),這些交易稅可能與向您提供服務有關。您應承擔任何因運費或 Alright Express 向您收取的其他金額而產生的交易稅。任何錯誤聲明貨物類型或貨物價值的用戶可能會被 Alright Express 收取罰款,Alright Express 保留有關罰款金額的唯一決定權。
4.6 在快遞員接貨之前,您可以取消並要求相應的退款。 Alright Express 將在您請求取消後的十四(14)天內向您退還運費。如果該貨件已經被處理並被送往快遞員或已被快遞員收取,則此類貨件可能無法取消,您將對運費及任何其他相關費用負責。
5. 知識產權
5.1 本網站提供的所有服務,包括但不限於文字、內容、照片、視頻、音頻和圖片,均為本網站的財產,受到版權法和其他知識產權法律的保護。本網站及所有相關服務僅供您個人非商業使用。您同意不複製、重製、修改、展示、展覽、打印或存儲本網站提供的任何服務內容,也不使用本網站的內容生產任何衍生產品。除非本網站明確允許,否則您不得向任何人發佈、傳輸、廣播或通信本網站提供的任何服務內容,包括但不限於同一公司或組織中的任何人。
5.2 除非得到本協議允許,您不得(也不得允許他人),直接或間接地修改、翻譯、反編譯、分解或反向工程 Alright Express 財產的任何部分或任何知識產權,或以其他方式嘗試了解網站或服務的功能或運作;或複製、租賃、出租、分發或以其他方式轉讓您在此處所接收的任何權利。為了澄清問題,所有頁面標題、自定義圖形、按鈕圖標和腳本均為 Alright Express 的服務標記、商標或商業風格,您不得複製、模仿或使用它們,除非事先得到我們明確的書面同意。您只能在 Alright Express 的商家服務、拍賣工具功能或聯盟計劃中提供的HTML標誌的前提下,未經書面同意僅用於將網站流量定向到www.alrightexpress.co.uk / www.alrightexpress.co。您不得以任何方式更改、修改或更改此類HTML標誌,不得以有損 Alright Express 或服務的方式使用它們,也不得以任何暗示 Alright Express 贊助或背書的方式顯示它們。您不得(也不得允許其他人代表您):(i)使用任何機器人、蜘蛛、刮板或其他自動方式未經 Alright Express 明確書面許可訪問 Alright Express 網站或服務,(ii)干擾或企圖干擾我們網站的正常工作或在網站上進行的任何活動,或(iii)繞過 Alright Express 可能使用的任何措施,以防止或限制對Alright Express 網站或服務的訪問。
5.3 除非協議另有規定,您提供的所有資料,均被視為客戶資產("客戶資產"),您在此授予 Alright Express 非獨有許可權,僅為提供服務所必需的範圍內使用客戶資產。
6.1 每個方的當事人(“受領方”)都承認可能會接收到機密資訊,如下所定義。根據本服務條款,並受以下例外條款的約束,機密資訊指的是由另一方(“揭露方”)提供的任何被標記、標籤或以其他方式被指定為機密或專有的資訊,或因披露周圍的情況而是受領方所知或應當知道的資訊。
6.2 在以下情況下不應視為機密資訊。這些例外情況包括但不限於:(a) 非交易性機密資訊(如下所定義),(b) 在披露時公開已知的資訊,(c) 受領方從第三方沒有限制地收到的資訊,(d) 揭露方公開或以其他方式向公眾公開的資訊,(e) 獨立生成的資訊而不參照揭露方的機密資訊,或(f) 根據法院命令或根據任何適用的政府法規或法律規定而必須披露的資訊,前提是受領方在該等要求中提供揭露方事先書面通知(如法律所允許)並設定回應的時間。
6.3 非交易性機密資訊。除了 Alright Express 為提供服務或用於使用服務而絕對需要的交易資訊外,Alright Express 並不需要也不想要任何您的專有資訊(“非交易性機密資訊”)。未經 Alright Express 的書面事先同意,您同意不提供任何非交易性機密資訊,包括但不限於新產品的原型。如果您未經 Alright Express 的書面事先同意向 Alright Express 發送此類非交易性機密資訊,那麼 Alright Express 將不負有將此類資訊視為機密資訊的義務。
6.4 法律上的謹慎。受領方不得使用機密信息以外的任何目的。受領方不得向任何第三方披露機密信息,除非該披露是執行本協議所要求的,或者是按照法律或法院命令的要求。受領方在處理披露方的機密信息時,應當使用至少與其對待自己的機密信息相同的標準,但不得低於合理謹慎。每一方都承認,違反本規定將導致對方不可挽回的損害,金錢賠償是不足以彌補損失的,因此,另一方將有權請求法院發出禁制令以執行本節的規定。
6.5 退還或銷毀。除了交易信息是在 Alright Expres 的日常業務中保留或根據快遞或法律和法院命令的要求外,每一方應在另一方書面要求後,迅速退還所有機密信息,或確認這些機密信息已經被銷毀。
6.6 總體使用。在遵守本服務條款的前提下,您在此確認、同意和完全接受,Alright Express可以編譯從您使用服務的全部或部分結果獲得的總體結果,但 Alright Express 不得披露任何會單獨識別您的信息(“總體信息”)。這樣的總體信息應被視為 Alright Express 的機密信息,並歸屬於 Alright Express 。您也同意 Alright Express 可以查看和使用您使用服務的個人信息,以便向您提供服務,評估 Alright Express 提供服務的情況,以及改善 Alright Express 的服務產品。
6.7 私隱政策。Alright Express 認為保護您的私隱非常重要。您向我們提供的任何信息或在網站上輸入的信息將根據我們的私隱政策使用。我們不會在未經您同意或根據私隱政策允許的情況下,向第三方出售、租借或披露您的機密信息。
7. 賠償
7.1 你同意完全賠償並使 Alright Express,我們的董事,總經理,員工和代理免受任何和所有索賠,責任,損害,損失或費用的損害,包括但不限於法律費用和支出,由於你使用服務或違反服務條款而引起。當你要求我們的服務時,你同意完全賠償並使 Alright Express 免受任何和所有涉及托運物品的運輸,存儲,處理和其他費用的索賠,包括低收費,鐵路滯留費,卡車/多式聯運滯留費和任何性質的其他費用,即使 Alright Express 已接受此類訂單。
8. 免責聲明
8.1 “現狀” Alright Express 努力按照本服務條款提供服務。用戶承認服務和網站以“現狀”和“按可用性”方式提供。您充分了解 Alright Express 為您提供平台,並明確聲明所有明示或暗示的保證,包括但不限於為服務、網站和 Alright Express 提供的任何服務的適銷性、特定目的的適用性和非侵權性等均不承擔。使用服務、網站或第三方服務將自行承擔風險。此外,網站上引用的運費有可能隨時更改,但這不會影響已經接受的預訂。儘管我們盡最大努力確保網站上列出的服務價格無誤或不受更改,但有些服務價格可能存在錯誤。我們明確保留在網站上不時更正任何運費錯誤的權利。
9. 限制責任
9.2 在任何情況下,Alright Express 不對您或任何第三方因訪問或使用網站、任何內容或任何第三方網站和內容而遭受的直接、間接、附帶、特別或後果性損害或責任,包括貨物遺失或損壞、利潤損失、收入、數據或使用損失,承擔責任。除非如下所述,在任何情況下,Alright Express 根據本服務條款的責任不得超過您向 Alright Express 支付的適用服務的費用,不包括快遞公司實際收取的運費或其他第三方費用(“損害賠償上限”)。如果有 Alright Express 員工或代理人進行了未經授權的交易,Alright Express 只對損害賠償上限負責。在任何未經授權的交易之後的五(5)天內,必須通知 Alright Express,否則任何有關未經授權交易的投訴將不受 Alright Express 的接待。
9.3 您有責任提供關於貨件的完整且正確的資訊,包括但不限於貨品種類、尺寸、重量、價值以及其他必要的資訊。如果您所提供的資訊錯誤或不完整,因此造成的任何錯誤、損害、支出或後果皆由您負責。您也必須完全賠償 Alright Express 所承擔的損失或支出,這是由於您所提供的錯誤資訊所造成的結果。如果貨件中的貨品有錯誤聲明,Alright Express 不會為此負責。此外,Alright Express 並不對因當地或海外海關所造成的任何損失或損害負責。Alright Express 不對您提供的資訊的準確性和真實性負責。
9.4 在當地或海外海關的管理期間,貨件的損失、延遲或損壞,Alright Express 不會負責。此外,在當地或海外海關沒收、扣押或拒絕發放貨件時,Alright Express 也不負責任。
9.5 在您確認並付款給 Alright Express 後,如果您更改任何資訊(例如更改地址、取消訂單或要求回撥訂單),造成任何費用或支出,Alright Express 不會為此負責。
10. 保險
10.1 我們建議您為您的貨件購買保險。
11. 糾紛
11.1 請注意,雖然有時會出現分歧,但 Alright Express 希望以積極的方式解決任何有關服務的投訴。請登錄支持案例以解決問題,您可以發送電子郵件到 Alright Express 。如果您認為需要升級處理,請向 Alright Express 發送有關您未解決的案例和您的問題的電子郵件。為了明確起見,這不會免除本服務條款中設定的通知要求。
12. 爭議
13.1 本服務條款及任何有關本服務條款的爭議應受香港特別行政區法律管轄,不考慮任何司法管轄區的選擇或法律原則。每一方在有關本服務條款的任何爭議或索賠中均提交香港特別行政區法院的專屬管轄權。
13. 一般條款
13.1 如這些條款的任何部分或條款在任何司法管轄區域內的任何法令或法律規則或任何法院裁定下屬於非法、無法執行或無效,則該部分或條款應視為已修改為紓解非法性、無法執行性或無效性的程度。如果修改是不可能的,該部分或條款必須被視為自本條款中分離出來的,但本條款的其餘部分將繼續完全有效且對您有約束力並可執行。
13.2 Alright Express 未能行使其在本條款下的任何權利或權力,不得被視為對該權利或權力的放棄,亦不得視為對該權利或權力未來任何其他行使的阻礙。
13.3 您同意 Alright Express 可以通過在我們的網站上張貼、發送電子郵件、在您登錄帳戶時顯示通知或郵寄到您帳戶中列出的街道地址的方式向您發出通知。該通知將被視為在其張貼到我們的網站上或發送到您帳戶中列出的電子郵件地址後24小時內被您接收、閱讀和理解。如果通知是通過郵件發送的,我們將在該通知交付後的24小時內認為您已經閱讀和理解了通知。如果您撤回接收電子通訊的同意,Alright Express 保留終止您的帳戶的權利。
13.4 您不得轉讓或分配您在本協議下擁有的任何權利或義務,未經 Alright Express 的書面同意,任何企圖的轉讓都將無效。Alright Express 保留隨時轉讓或分配本條款或本條款下的任何權利或義務的權利。除本條款的前述規定外,本條款應對當事方的繼承人和受讓人具有約束力和利益。
13.5 Alright Express 應有權從您那裡收取其合理的成本和必要的支出以及在實行本條款時產生的律師費用。
13.6 Alright Express 不承擔由 Alright Express 無法控制的力量引起的延誤或無法提供服務的責任,包括但不限於天災、第三方服務提供商(包括但不限於承運人和郵政系統)的行為。當貨物已出貨但因不可抗力(例如天災、戰爭、恐怖主義、公共敵人、法律程序下的扣押、罷工、停工、騷亂和暴動)或任何超出 Alright Express 控制範圍的原因,或因貨物遺失或毀損且Alright Express不承擔責任,或因法律提供的任何其他理由而未能履行指示時,Alright Express 不對未能履行該指示承擔責任。
13.7 任何非本協議當事人的個人或實體在香港法律的《合同(第三者權利)條例》(623章)下沒有權利執行本協議的任何條款。
Terms of Services
Last Updated On : 2023-03-15
To keep on using this "Website" or "Alright Express" provided service, you are agreed to the below Terms of Services
Alright Express , www.alrightexpress.co.uk / www.alrightexpress.co ("Alright Express", "Website", "The Company", "We" and "us") is operate by Alright Express Limited with its Hong Kong office address at Flat Unit B, 7/F, Gold King Industrial Building, 35-41 Tai Lin Pai Road, Kwai Chung, Hong Kong .
Alright Express is an online platform that provides assistance to users ("User(s)" or "you") in managing shipments (the "Shipment"). This Website and the offer of our Services (defined below) are offered on the sole condition of your acceptance without modification of any and all the terms, conditions, and notices set forth below (Collectively, the "Terms of Service"). By using any Services provided by us, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to be bound by the Terms of Service and represent that you have read and understood the same.
You must read, agree with and accept all the terms and conditions contained in the Terms of Service, and our Privacy Policy ("Privacy Policy") prior to becoming a Alright Express user. If you do not accept any provision in our Terms of Service and/or Privacy Policy, you are not authorized to use this Website or our Services and shall immediately cease using this Website. We shall revise the Term of Service and Privacy Policy from time to time.
The Terms of Service represent a legally binding agreement between you and Alright Express and its direct affiliates or subsidiary, including the various different entities that Alright Express uses to operate locally in different countries.
To contact us, please email our customer service team at alrightexpress@gmail.com.
1. Acceptance of Terms of Service
1.1. If you are entering into these Terms of Service on behalf of a company, business or other legal entity, you represent that you have the authority to bind such entity and its affiliates to these Terms of Service, in which case the Terms of Service "you" or "your" shall refer to such entity and its affiliates. If you do not have such authority, or if you do not agree with these Terms of Service, you shall not accept the Terms of Service on behalf of such entity and you are not authorized to use this Website or the Services.
1.2. By registering for the Services, you agree to provide and maintain true, accurate, current and complete information about yourself as prompted. Our collection and processing of registration data and certain other information about you are governed by our Privacy Policy.
1.3. You acknowledge and agree that we may change or otherwise modify the Terms of Service in the future. You understand, agree and fully accept that your continued access or use of this Website after such change or modification constitutes your acceptance of the changed or modified Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. Alright Express endeavors to provide you with notice of any changes to the Terms of Service, but Alright Express's failure to do so shall not excuse your obligation to comply with any such modified Terms of Service. You shall periodically review the most current version of these Terms of Service as posted on the Website.
1.4. You acknowledge, agree and fully accept that you may be subject to additional terms applicable to certain Services provided by us that may be attached to such Services from time to time. All such terms are hereby incorporated by reference into these Terms of Service. You are solely responsible to go through the terms and conditions before you confirm the Shipment.
1.5 In the event that you commit any breach or violation of any terms and conditions under our Terms of Service, we reserve all our rights including but not limited to immediately terminate our Services and/or may take other legal action against you without further notice.
1.6 You acknowledge, agree and fully accept that we do not assume any liability whatsoever for any acts, errors, or omissions (including, without limitation for any negligence or willful misconduct). This is your sole responsibility to go through the terms and conditions before you confirm the Shipment.
2. Description of Services
In accordance with the "Contract Law in Hong Kong" and relevant laws and regulations, Alright Express and You are adhering to mutual benefit, equality, and cooperation. The "Services'' can only be use by "You" on agreeing the following terms:
2.1 Responsibilities and obligations of "Alright Express" and “You"
2.1.1 The export document, material or goods that "You" entrusts "Alright Express" to transport must be in accordance with the relevant regulations of the Customs, Commodity Inspection and Quarantine of the HKSAR Government and relevant departments for the country's export goods.
2.1.2 "You" shall provide "Alright Express" with valid identity information including your legal name, mobile and address in Hong Kong. If "You" on behalf of a company, business or other legal entity, you should provide your company register name, and a valid address in Hong Kong. If "You" fails to provide the above information before using our Services, "Alright Express" may refuse to provide services.
2.1.3 When "You" uses the courier services provided by "Alright Express" and The Company affiliates , you must provide "Alright Express" with the recipient information and the consignment information accurately and truthfully. If the consignment delivery fails or other costs are incurred due to missing information which should be provided by "You", "You" shall bear all of it.
2.1.4 "Alright Express" will only charge the package freight and related operating costs before shipping. This fee does not include any taxes and other costs that may be incurred in the destination country / area of the goods designated to arrive. Any customs duties or other miscellaneous charges that may be incurred when the package is cleared by foreign customs must be paid by the recipient. If the package is returned or abandoned by customs due to the recipient's refusal to pay the relevant fees or, the costs and other charges associated with returning or abandonment of the shipment(s), including transportation and any applicable duties, taxes and admin fees, shall be paid by "You" bear.
2.1.5 Services that can be obtained through any of the following methods: website, social network, blog, email. Shall also be subject to our "Terms of Services". "Alright Express" reserves the rights to revise the "Terms of Services" for any new features added into the above mentioned services channel.
2.1.6 The information, any contents and Services published on this website may contain incorrect statements or typographical errors. We and our affiliates do not guarantee that the terms of use of express delivery, photos, car and other service descriptions and other service descriptions displayed on our website are correct. We and our affiliates do not guarantee the accuracy of the information displayed on our Services.
2.1.7 In the event of delays, cancellations, strikes, force majeure or other reasons beyond our direct control, we and our affiliates will not be responsible and will not give refunds. We are also not responsible for any additional costs, omissions, delays or re-route or action of any government or authority.
2.1.8 In any case, due to direct or indirect, punitive, incidental, special or consequential damages caused by the use of this website or related to it, "Alright Express" shall not be liable on any information, contents that obtained through the use of website or our services. Whether based on contract, tort, strict liability, or otherwise, even if Alright Express have been advised of the possibility of damages.
2.2 Responsibility on Consignment
In order to ensure the normal delivery and safety of parcels, both "Alright Express" and "You" have specified the following clauses regarding the safety regulation of the content of your Consignment:
2.2.1"You" should guarantee only send consignment in accordance with the scope and requirements of HKSAR Government and Customs export/import regulations;
"You" should guarantee to strictly abide by the regulations on prohibited mailing and limited mailing items;
2.2.2 If "Alright Express" and its affiliates has reason to suspect that the consignment items delivered by "You" do not meet the laws or regulations."Alright Express" has the right to refuse to accept the goods, and "You" shall bear the related losses. All the paid fee shall not be returned.
3. General Conditions
3.1 Subject to the terms and conditions of these Terms of Service, you may access and use the Services only for lawful purposes. All rights, titles and interests in and to the Services and its components will remain with and belong exclusively to Alright Express. You shall not (a) sublicense, resell, rent, lease, transfer, assign, timeshare or otherwise make the Services or your Account available to any third party, without written consent of Alright Express; (b) use the Services in any unlawful manner (including without limitation in violation of any data, privacy, export or import control laws) or in any manner that interferes with or disrupts the integrity or performance of the Services or its components or otherwise violates our Terms of Service, or (c) modify, adapt or hack the Services to, or otherwise attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Services or its related systems or networks. You shall comply with all codes of conduct, policies or other notices which Alright Express provides you or publishes in connection with the Services, and you shall promptly notify Alright Express if you learn of a security breach related to the Services.
3.2 You acknowledge, agree and fully accept that you will not use the Services or the Website to (or assist another person to): (a) upload any content that (i) infringes any intellectual property or other proprietary rights of any party; (ii) you do not have a right to upload under any law or under contractual or fiduciary relationships; (iii) contains software viruses or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment; (iv) poses or creates a privacy or security risk to any person; (v) is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortious, excessively violent, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, pornographic, libelous, invasive of another's privacy, hateful racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable; or (vi) in the sole judgment of Alright Express, is objectionable or which restricts or inhibits any other person from using or enjoying the Services, or which may expose Alright Express or its users to any harm or liability of any type; (b) interfere with or disrupt the Services or servers or networks connected to the Service, or disobey any requirements, procedures, policies or regulations of networks connected to the Services; or (c) violate any applicable local, state, national or international law, or any regulations having the force of law; (d) impersonate any person or entity, or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with a person or entity; or (e) obtain or attempt to access or otherwise obtain any materials or information through any means not intentionally made available or provided for through the Services.
3.3 You are solely responsible for all data, information, feedback, suggestions, text, content and other materials that you upload, post, deliver, provide or otherwise transmit or store in connection with or relating to the Services ("Your Content"). Alright Express reserves the right to access your account in order to respond to your requests for technical support. By posting Your Content on or through the Services, you hereby do and shall grant Alright Express a worldwide, non-exclusive, perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, fully paid, sub licensable and transferable license to use, modify, reproduce, distribute, display, publish and perform Your Content in connection with the Services and to improve Alright Express's products and Services, subject to the terms and conditions of these Terms of Service and our Privacy Policy. Alright Express has the right, but not the obligation, to monitor the Services, Content, or Your Content and to disclose Your Content if required to do so by law or in the good faith belief that such action is necessary to (i) comply with a legal obligation, (ii) protect and defend the rights or property of Alright Express, (iii) act in urgent circumstances to protect the personal safety of users of the Services or the public, or (iv) protect against legal liability. You further acknowledge, agree and fully accept that Alright Express may remove or disable any Your Content at any time for any reason (including, but not limited to, upon receipt of claims or allegations from third parties or authorities relating to such Content), or for no reason at all.
3.4 You understand that the operation of the Services, including Your Content, may be unencrypted and involve (a) transmissions over various networks; (b) changes to conform and adapt to technical requirements of connecting networks or devices and (c) transmission to Alright Express's business partners including but not limited to the Courier and hosting partners to provide the necessary hardware, software, networking, storage, and related technology required to operate and maintain the Services. Accordingly, you acknowledge, agree and fully accept that you bear sole responsibility for adequate security, protection and backup of Your Content. Alright Express shall in any event have no liability to you for any unauthorized access or use of any of Your Content, or any corruption, deletion, destruction or loss of any of Your Content.
3.5 Subject to the Terms of Service hereof, Alright Express may (but has no obligation to) provide technical support Services, through email in accordance with our standard practice. Alright Express might use the email and/or the telephone number provided by you to send you updates about the packages, gain consignee feedback, and in general any time Alright Express consider it needed to carry on its Services..
3.6 In the event that you wish to change any information regarding the Shipment, such as address, items included or other matters, please contact us directly (by sending email or whatsapp our customer service team (for our email address and whatsapp, please see www.alrightexpress.co.uk / www.alrightexpress.co). You can also use the service chat on our Website and we will help as part of our customer support services. In the event that the Shipment has already been handed over to any Courier, such changes may not become effective, or the Courier may ask a fee to validate the change. Any change of information regarding the Shipment shall be subject to the final approval and confirmation by us.
3.7 In the event that you wish to enquire, lodge a claim or complaint regarding the Shipment, please contact us directly (by sending email or whatsapp our customer service team (for our email address and whatsapp, please seewww.alrightexpress.co.uk / www.alrightexpress.co). You can also use the service chat on our Website and we will help as part of our customer support services.
3.8 In the event that a Shipment is recalled and the Courier does not provide the returned delivery to the sender address, the Shipment item will be returned to Alright Express. You may choose to collect the Shipment item, at your own expenses, at a designated location provided by Alright Express, or pay a return shipping fee in an amount quoted by Alright Express including but not limited to the penalty charged by Courier in respect of shipment of prohibited items, and Alright Express will ship it to your sender address.
4. Payment
4.1 Shipping Fees will be charged for each Shipment, of which shall include all costs related to the Shipment, quoted by Alright Express (the "Shipping Fee") after you have input all the relevant information as required. Shipping Fee shall include but not limited to shipping cost, fuel surcharge, insurance fee, import tax, import duty, remote area surcharge, peak season surcharge and any other amount related to the activity of shipping through Alright Express.
4.2 You must provide complete and accurate payment information. Payment for Alright Express's Services shall be made by any of the accepted payment methods as set out on the Website.
4.3 Discrepancies Quotations for Estimated Shipping Fee by Alright Express are based on the information provided by you, including but not limited to sender's address, receiver's address, weight, dimensions, and value of the items. In the event that there is a discrepancy between the Shipping Fee charged by Alright Express and the costs for the Shipment incurred by Alright Express due to incorrect information that you provided, including but not limited to incorrect weight, dimensions, value of the item(s), addresses, or any other information critical to estimate the shipping cost, you will be solely responsible for such discrepancy amount. Alright Express specifically disclaims any liability for any shipping fees errors due to inaccurate or incomplete information. Alright Express is not responsible for any changes or alteration of the shipping fees. Alright Express agrees to make reasonable efforts to bill such discrepancy amount to your account in a timely manner but Alright Express makes no representations or warranties regarding the amount of time needed to complete processing.
4.4 Alright Express reserves the right to adjust its pricing in response to currency fluctuations, including but not limited to, currency conversion rate changes, conversion fee changes, or discount rate changes from time to time and without any notice.
4.5 You acknowledge , agree and fully accept that all fees, charges and any other rates or amounts charged by Alright Express to you hereunder are exclusive of any applicable value added, sales/use or goods and Services' taxes ("Transaction Taxes") which may be levied in connection with the Services to you. you shall be solely responsible to pay any Transaction Taxes arising in respect of the Shipping Fees or other amounts charged by Alright Express to you. Any User who incorrectly declares the commodity type or value of the shipment(s) may be charged a penalty imposed by Alright Express. Alright Express reserved the sole discretion in relation to the amount of penalty.
4.6 You may cancel and request for a refund accordingly prior to pick up by the Courier being processed. Alright Express will refund the Shipping Fee to you within FOURTEEN (14) days from the date of your requests for such cancellation. In event that the Shipment has already been processed and sent over to or collected by the Courier, such Shipment may not be cancelled and you shall be liable for the Shipping Fee and any other related fees there of.
5. Intellectual Property
5.1 All services provided on this website, including but not limited to text, content, photos, videos, sounds and pictures, are the property of this website and are protected by copyright laws and other intellectual property laws. This website and all related services are for your personal and non-commercial use only. You agree not to copy, reproduce, modify, display, exhibit, print or store any service content provided by this website, and not to use the content of this website to produce any derivative products. You also agree that unless expressly permitted by this site, you may not publish, transmit, broadcast or communicate any service content provided by this site to any person, including but not limited to those in the same company or organization.
5.2 Other than as permitted herein, you shall not (and you shall not permit others to), directly or indirectly, modify, translate, decompile, disassemble, or reverse engineer any part of the Alright Express Property or any intellectual property right of the Alright Express, or otherwise attempt to discern the functioning or operation of the Website or Services; or copy, rent, lease, distribute, or otherwise transfer any or the rights that you receive hereunder. For clarification purposes, all page headers, custom graphics, button icons, and scripts are service marks, trademarks, or trade dress of Alright Express and you shall not copy, imitate, or use them without our express prior written consent. You may only use HTML logos provided by Alright Express through our merchant Services, auction tools features or affiliate programs without prior written consent solely for the purpose of directing web traffic to www.alrightexpress.co.uk / www.alrightexpress.co You shall not alter, modify or change such HTML logos in any way, use them in a manner that is disparaging or otherwise adverse to Alright Express or the Services, or display them in any manner that implies Alright Express's sponsorship or endorsement. You shall not (and you shall not permit others on your behalf to): (i) use any robot, spider, scraper or other automated means to access the Alright Express Website or Services for any purpose without Alright Express's express written permission, (ii) interfere or attempt to interfere with the proper working of our Website or any activities conducted on the Website, or (iii) bypass any measures Alright Express may use to prevent or restrict access to the Alright Express Website or the Services.
5.3 All materials provided by you under any shall be deemed client property (the “Client Property") for purposes of the Agreement. You hereby grant to Alright Express a non-exclusive license to the Client Property solely as needed to provide the Services.
6. Confidential Information
6.1 Each party (the “Recipient") acknowledges that it may receive Confidential Information as defined herein. For purposes of these Terms of Service and subject to the exclusions set forth below, Confidential Information means any information provided by the other party (the “Discloser") that is marked, labelled or otherwise designated as confidential or proprietary, or that Recipient knew, or should have known, was confidential due to the circumstances surrounding the disclosure.
6.2 Information that is subject to one of the exclusions below SHALL NOT be Confidential Information. The exclusions including but not limited to the following: (a) Non-transactional Confidential Information (as defined below), (b) information publicly known at the time of disclosure, (c) information received by Recipient without restriction from a third party, (d) information published or otherwise made known to the public by Discloser, (e) information that was generated independently without reference to the Discloser's Confidential Information, or (f) information that is required to be disclosed under a court order or pursuant to any applicable governmental rule, regulation or statute, provided that Recipient provide Discloser with prior written notice of such disclosure, (as permitted by law) and the timing for response set forth in the request.
6.3 Non-transactional Confidential Information Other than transaction information absolutely required for Alright Express to provide, or for you to use the Services, Alright Express does not require nor desire any of your proprietary information (the “Non-transactional Confidential Information"). You agree not to provide Alright Express with any Non-transactional Confidential Information, including, but not limited to, prototypes of new products, without Alright Express's express prior written consent. In the event that you send such Non-transactional Confidential Information to Alright Express without Alright Express's prior written consent, then Alright Express shall not be obligated to treat such information as Confidential Information.
6.4 Standard of Care Recipient shall not use the Confidential Information for any purpose other than as required by these Terms of Service. Recipient shall not disclose the Confidential Information to any third party, other than as required to perform the Services and/or require by law or Court Order. Recipient shall use at least the same standard of care with the Discloser's Confidential Information as it does with its own Confidential Information, but in no event with less than reasonable care. Each party acknowledges that breach of this provision would result in irreparable harm to the other party, for which money damages would be an insufficient remedy, and therefore that the other party will be entitled to seek injunctive relief to enforce the provisions of this Section.
6.5 Return or Destruction Other than transactional information that is retained in the ordinary course of Alright Express's business or under the requirement by Courier or by laws and Court Order, each party shall either promptly return all Confidential Information, or confirm that such Confidential Information has been destroyed promptly after receipt of written request from the other party.
6.6 Aggregate Use Subject to the Terms of Service herein, you hereby acknowledge, agree and fully accept that Alright Express may compile aggregate results from all of, or a selection of your use of the Services, provided that Alright Express shall not disclose any information that would individually identify you (the “Aggregate Information"). Such Aggregate Information shall be deemed to be Alright Express's Confidential Information and belongs to Alright Express. You also hereby agree that Alright Express may review and use your individual use of the Services in order to provide Services to you, to evaluate Alright Express's provision of the Services, and to improve Alright Express's Services offerings.
6.7 Privacy Policy Alright Express believes in protecting your privacy. Any information you provide to us or input on the Website as set out above will be used in accordance with our Privacy Policy. We do not sell, rent, or otherwise disclose your Confidential Information to a third party, without your consent or as permitted by the Privacy Policy.
7. Indemnification
7.1 You agree to fully indemnify and to hold harmless Alright Express, our officers, directors, employees and agents from and against any and all claims, liabilities, damages, losses or expenses, including but not limited to legal costs and disbursements due to or arising out of your use of the Services or your violation of the Terms of Service. Upon requesting for our Service, you agree to fully indemnify and hold harmless Alright Express from any and all claims for transportation, storage, handling and other charges relating to the goods in respect of the Shipment, including undercharges, rail demurrage, truck/intermodal detention and other charges of any nature, even though Alright Express had accepted such order.
8. Disclaimers
8.1 As Is Alright Express endeavors to provide the Services in accordance with these Terms of Service. Users acknowledge that the Services and the Website are provided on an “as is" and “as available" basis. You are fully aware that Alright Express is providing the platform for you and Alright Express expressly disclaim all warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement for the services, the Website and any services provided by Alright Express. The use of the Services, Website, or third party services shall be at your own risk. Also, Shipping Fees Quoted in the Website are liable to change at any time, but changes will not affect bookings already accepted. Despite our best efforts, some of the services listed on the Website may be incorrectly priced or subject to revise. WE EXPRESSLY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO CORRECT ANY SHIPPING FEE ERRORS ON THE WEBSITE FROM TIME TO TIME.
9. Limitation of Liability
9.1 By accepting the Terms of Service, you acknowledge, agree and fully accept that we do not assume any liability whatsoever for any acts, errors, or omissions (including, without limitation, any negligence or willful misconduct) of any Courier with whom you or any of your affiliates may contract, regardless of the purpose.
9.2 In no event shall Alright Express be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages, or damages for loss or damage of Shipments, loss of profits, revenue, data or use, incurred by you or any third party, whether in an action in contract or tort, arising from your access to, or use of, the Website, any content, or any third party websites and content. Other than as set forth below, in no event shall Alright Express's liability under this Term of Service exceed the monies paid or payable by you to Alright Express for the applicable services excluding the actual shipping fees charged by the Courier or other third party fees (the “damages cap"). In the event of an unauthorized transaction by a Alright Express employee or agent, Alright Express is only liable for the damages cap. Alright Express must be notified within five (5) days after any unauthorized transaction otherwise any complaint regarding the unauthorized transaction will not be entertained by Alright Express.
9.3 You are responsible to provide complete and accurate information in respect of the Shipment, including but not limited to the item category, dimension, weight and item value of the Shipment and the information required from time to time. You shall be solely responsible for any error, damage, expense or consequence resulting from wrong or incomplete information provided to us. You shall further fully indemnify Alright Express for and hold Alright Express harmless from any loss or expense resulting as a consequence of the wrong information provided by you. Alright Express shall not be responsible for losses or damages in the event that any item contained in the Shipment is wrongfully declared. Moreover, Alright Express is in no way responsible for any damages, losses due to local or overseas custom practice. Alright Express shall not be liable for the accuracy and truthfulness of the information provided by you.
9.4 Alright Express shall not be liable for any loss, delay, or damage of items shipped, while in the hands of a local or overseas custom. In addition, Alright Express shall not be held responsible in the event that the local or overseas custom confiscates, holds, or denies release of the Shipment to the receiver.
9.5 Alright Express is not liable for any fees, expenses, resulting as a consequence of any change of information from your side (for example change of address, order cancellation, or order call-back), after a Shipment has been confirmed and paid by you to Alright Express.
10. Insurance
10.1 You are advised to purchase insurance coverage for your Shipments.
11. Disputes
11.1 Please note, while disagreements sometimes arise, Alright Express wants to address any complaint with the Services in a proactive manner. Please log a support case for resolution, you can send an email to Alright Express. If you feel an escalation is merited, please email Alright Express regarding your unresolved case and your concern. For purposes of clarity, this does not waive the notice requirement set in this Terms of Service.
12. Governing Law and Venue
12.1 These Terms of Service, and any dispute relating to these Terms of Service, shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of HKSAR without regard to the choice or conflicts of law principles of any jurisdiction. Each party submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of the HKSAR Court in relation to any disputes or claims arising out of or in connection with these Terms of Service.