最後更新日期 : Mar 2023
閣下必須同意 Alright Express 的託運條款,如果閣下的託運違反了本公司的託運服務同意書,Alright Express 會保留追究罰款的權利或拒絕賠償,當中條款包括以下細則;
如因客人報關低報貨件申報價值而導致貨件被當地海關扣留貨、收件人提供錯誤通訊地、收件人拒絕收件或繳付關稅/其他運費, Alright Express會盡可能將運件送回到寄件人,當中產生之費用將由寄件人承擔。假如無法送回,該運件會被處理、棄置或出售而毋需向寄件人或任何人士承擔任何法律責任。
Alright Express有權拒絕向客人賠償因貨件違反行政機關法規而引致的罰款。
Alright Express有機會向客人收取每張訂單港幣$200 的罰款,當中已收取的運費將不會退回,並有機會銷毀閣下的包裹及不予賠償。
由於海關政策時有變動,因此託運物品清關程序最終仍要視乎當地海關的判斷,當地海關擁有最終決定權。另外, 如果託運包裹被當地海關抽查,客人有機會需提供相關文件作清關。 Alright Express亦不能保證文件是否齊全,客人需自行承擔有關風險,及清關程序產生的額外檢查費用。
客戶成功繳付運費後起計算, Alright Express會於3-5個工作天内將貨件送到收件人地址。
不包含 Alright Express無法控制的情況-如地震、氣旋、風暴、洪水、濃霧、戰爭、墜機、禁運、暴亂、傳染病、大流行病或工業行動等。
所有索償必須於收件人 接收運件日期起 7天內 以書面形式向 Alright Express提出及提供照片,否則 Alright Express將不負任 何法律責任。
所有索償必須於 Alright Express發出運件日期起 7天內 以書面形式向 Alright Express提出索償申請,否則 Alright Express將不負任何法律責任。
客人成功繳付運費後如發現包裹超過14工作天仍未到達目的地,請通知 Alright Express客服人員協助處理。
包裹到達後,客人如發現貨物損壞/遺失,請立即告知 Alright Express客服人員,並提供詳細包裹資料, 包括 (i) HKTVmall訂單編號 (ii) 照片及 (iii) 保留破損的包,如沒有保留破損的包裝,本公司有權不作賠償。
損壞: 必須 提供照片 , 否則本公司有權不作賠償。
每張訂單只限就寄件損失、損壞及延誤各索償一次,總最高賠償額為 港幣$2,000。
每票 (每個包裹) 託運申報最高限額為 港幣$390,000。
Alright Express可為寄件人安排購買貨件保險,按貨物的總申報價值保價承保運件損失,惟寄件人必需填妥提單的保險部份或透過 Alright Express客服人員提出要求,並繳付適用的保費。
如因不完整或無效收件地址,以致包裹無法完成運送, Alright Express客服人員會聯絡客人更改或要求重新提供有效地址,每次行政費用為港幣 $150 。如 Alright Express於5個工作天後仍沒有收到客人回覆,訂單會被視作棄件處理。
如因客人報關低報貨件申報價值而導致貨件被當地海關扣留、收件人提供錯誤通訊地址、收件人拒絕收件或繳付關稅/其他運費, Alright Express會盡可能將運件送回到寄件人,當中產生之費用將由寄件人承擔。假如無法送回,該運件會被處理、棄置或出售而毋需向寄件人或任何人士承擔任何法律責任。
Alright Express將不對 Alright Express控制範圍以外之情況所引致的損失或損害負上任何法律責任,包括 Alright Express無法控制的情況-如地震、氣旋、風暴、洪水、濃霧、戰爭、墜機、禁運、暴亂、傳染病、大流行病或工業行動等。
一般來說,當您的索償(必須提供證明文件及相片證明)提交後,處理過程-需要 5-7個工作天。 為加快處理過程,客人請盡量提供詳細及具體的商品描述。 如果您的索償包含損壞物品,您必須提供相片證明 , 否則本公司有權不作賠償。
如閣下有任何疑問,請致電+852 3583 5258或Whatsapp+852 5590 9182
聯絡 Alright Express 客服人員。
Consignment Service Agreement
Last update: March 2023
You must agree to the shipping terms of Alright Express. If your shipping violates the company's shipping service agreement, Alright Express will reserve the right to pursue fines or refuse compensation. The terms include the following rules;
Requirements for Shipping Items
The consigned items must comply with the regulations of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the administrative authority of the destination;
If the shipment is detained by the local customs due to the low declaration value of the shipment by the customer, provides the wrong consignee’s address, the consignee refuses to accept the shipment, or customs duties/other freight cost, Alright Express will make every reasonable effort to return the shipment to the customer, and the expenses incurred will be borne by the sender. If it cannot be returned, the shipment will be disposed of or sold without any legal liability to the sender or anyone else.
Alright Express has the right to refuse to compensate the customer for the fines caused by the shipment violating the regulations of administrative agencies.
Due to the fact that airports in various countries are implementing stricter air transportation controls under the condition of reduced air transportation capacity, if your consigned items appear:
Posted items do not match the declared content
The declared value of the goods is too low
Alright Express has the right to charge a penalty of HK$200 per order. The shipping fee will not be refunded and destroy your package without compensation.
Due to changes in customs policies from time to time, the customs clearance procedures for consigned items still depend on the judgment of the local customs. In addition, if the consignment package is randomly checked by the local customs, the customer has the opportunity to provide relevant documents for customs clearance. Alright Express also cannot guarantee whether the documents are complete, and the customer shall bear the relevant risks and bear the customs clearance procedures and additional inspection costs.
Terms of Service and Service Level Agreement
Guaranteed delivery time
Alright Express will deliver the shipment to the Consignee's address within 3-5 working days.
Alright Express is not liable for any loss or damage arising out of circumstances beyond Alright Express 's control. These include but are not limited to - e.g. earthquake, cyclone, storm, flood, fog, war, plane crash, embargo, riot, epidemic, pandemic, civil commotion, or industrial action.
In case of damage
All claims must be submitted in writing to Alright Express and provide photos of shipment which were damaged within 7 calendar days from the date of receipt of the shipment by the Consignee, failing which Alright Express shall have no liability whatsoever.
In case of loss
All claims must be submitted in writing to Alright Express within 7 calendar days from the ship date, failing which Alright Express shall have no liability whatsoever.
Customer must notify Alright Express of any claim for late delivery, in writing or by telephone, within 14 working days of the shipment date.
Customer must notify Alright Express of any claim for damage/ loss of the shipment or late delivery, in writing or by telephone and provide Alright Express with the
(i) HKTVmall order no..,(ii) photos and (iii) preserve the damaged package, Failure to provide all the required information which Alright Express shall have no liability whatsoever.
Description of Damaged / Missing Goods
Damage: photos must be provided, otherwise the company has the right not to make compensation.
Lost: HKTVmall order no. and contents are required.
(Please provide the product descriptions in details including but not limited to product name, brand name, size, color and quantity)
Limit of Compensation
Claims are limited to one claim per Shipment, The total maximum compensation amount is HK$2,000.
The maximum declaration limit per shipment is HK$390,000.
Shipment Insurance
Alright Express may be able to arrange insurance for loss of or damage to the Shipment, covering the full value of the goods, provided that Shipper so instructs Alright Express by completing the insurance section of the waybill or contact Alright Express Customer Service to arrange and pays the applicable premium.
Insurance Fee
The insurance fee is 3% of the total declared value of goods.
Denial of Indemnity Clause
If the shipment fails to deliver due to inaccurate or incomplete shipment information, delivery instructions, or information, Alright Express will contact customers to provide an accurate address and an administrative fee of HK$150 will be charged for each amendment. If there is no response from the customer after 5 working days, the Shipment will be deposed.
If the shipment is detained by the local customs due to the low declaration value of the shipment by the customer, provides the wrong consignee’s address, the consignee refuses to accept the shipment, or customs duties/other freight cost, Alright Express will make every reasonable effort to return the shipment to the customer, and the expenses incurred will be borne by the sender. If it cannot be returned, the shipment will be disposed of or sold without any legal liability to the sender or anyone else.
Shipment insurance does not cover indirect loss or damage, or loss or damage caused by any act or omission by local customs or other government officials
Alright Express is not liable for any loss or damage arising out of circumstances beyond Alright Express’s control. These include but are not limited to - e.g. earthquake, cyclone, storm, flood, fog, war, plane crash, embargo, riot, epidemic, pandemic, civil commotion, or industrial action.
Claim Processing Time
Generally, once your claim (must provide supporting documents and photo proof) is submitted, it takes 5-7 working days to process. In order to expedite the progress please provide the product description in detail. If your claim includes damaged items, you must provide photo proof, otherwise the company reserves the right not to make compensation.
Should you have any inquiry, please contact Alright Express customer service team on +852 3583 5258 or Whatsapp +852 5590 9182.